International Cooperation for Global Environment & Development



Mitsuo Yoshida (2025) Microbial Methylation of Mercury in Wetlands and Its Environmental Risks. In: Yoshida, M. (ed.) Chapter 3. Heavy Metals in the Environment - Contamination, Risk, and Remediation, IntechOpen, London

Mitsuo Yoshida (2024) Technical Cooperation for Formulating Waste Reduction and Minimization Plan in Municipal Solid Waste Management, A Case Study in Palestine. Proc. 9th Asia Conference on Environment and Sustainable Development (ACESD), A-167A

Mitsuo Yoshida(2024) Technical Assistances for Establishing Health Care Waste Management System in Palestine from 2010 to 2023. International Conference on Biomedical Waste Management Applications (ICBWMA-24), Paper ID: ASAR_08_30_45832, Poland, 19-20th, September 2024.

Mitsuo Yoshida(2024) Challenge towards waste reduction/minimization in local cities in Japan: The case of Zero-Waste initiative in Kamikatsu Town. Proceedings of YANJIU International Conference, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 07th -08th Sept, 2024. p.39-41.

ISBN 978-4-910089-40-9
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Yosrea Ramadan, Yasser Dweik, Tatsuro Mori, Mahmoud Othman, Mitsuo Yoshida (2024) Health care waste management in West Bank Area, Palestine - Lessons learnt and recommendations toward more sustainable management system. IARF International Conference on Environment and Waste Mangement (ICEWM), Helsinki, 27-28 March 2024.

Mitsuo Yoshida, Suleiman Abu Mffareh, Ziad Tawafsheh (2024) The process of technical assistance for formulating a waste reduction and minimization plan in Palestine. IARF International Conference on Environment and Waste Mangement (ICEWM), Helsinki, 27-28 March 2024.

Mitsuo Yoshida (2024) Design Requirements for Legal System to Promote Recycling in Waste Management. Proceedings of the International Conference on Sustainable Waste Management and Recycling, 2nd January 2024 Milan (online)

Suleiman Abu Mffareh, Mitsuo Yoshida (2024) Sustainable Solid Waste Management and Recycling in Palestine. Proceedings of the International Conference on Sustainable Waste Management and Recycling, 2nd January 2024 Milan (online)

Mitsuo Yoshida, Mirza Naseer Ahmad (2023) Soil and Grain Contamination by Contaminated Groundwater – A case study in District Chiniot, Punjab, Pakistan. Abstract Volume of 9th Asia Conference on Environment and Sustainable Development (ACESD), Sapporo

Mitsuo Yoshida, Mirza Naseer Ahmad, Rasida Sultana (2023) Characterization and Statistical Multivariate Analysis of Potentially Toxic Elements Contamination of Groundwater in Chiniot Area, Punjab Plain, Pakistan. In: Ujikawa, K., Ishiwatari, M., Hullebusch, E.v. (eds) Environment and Sustainable Development. ACESD 2022. p.35-51, Environmental Science and Engineering. Springer, Singapore.

Mitsuo Yoshida (2023) Strategy of international technical assistance according to the gradualk developement of solid waste management. Proceedings of WRFER (World Research Forum for Engineers and Reserachers) International Conference, Dubai (online), 03-04 October, 2023. p. 1-5

Mitsuo Yoshida (2023) Measures to Reduce Waste Generation at Source – Experiences of International Technical Cooperation Projects. 4th World Conference on Waste Management (WCWM), August 2023, A-176.

Mitsuo Yoshida (2023) Technical Assistance for Developing Effective Plastic Waste Management System, A Review. Proceedings of the 9th Online International E-Conference on Advances in Engineering, Technology and Management - ICETM 2023, August 2023, p.34-41, Paper ID 23-137.

吉田充夫(2023)海洋プラスチック汚染に関する国際協力の課題-紅海を例として.日本環境学会第49回研究発表会(静岡文化芸術大学)2023年6月24-25日予稿集C-13, p.86-87.

Mitsuo Yoshida, Reiko Shindo (2023) Comparative Study of International Technical Cooperation Projects for 3R Promotion and Waste Minimization in Municipal Solid Waste Management – Approach, Effectiveness, Impacts, and Sustainability. The 8th 3RINCs International Conference, Kyoto (online), 14th March 2023, Abstract OL7-4

Yosrea Ramadan, Suleiman Abu Mfarreh, Mitsuo Yoshida (2023) Compositional Characteristics, Greenhouse Gases Mitigation, and Recycling Potential of Municipal Solid Waste Generated in West Bank Area, Palestine. The 8th 3RINCs International Conference, Kyoto (online), March 2023, OL1-4.

Mostafa Alashi, Abdelraheem Abu AlKubmoz, Hatem AbuHamed, Rawan Tayeh, Reiko Shindo, Suleiman Abu Mfarreh, Mitsuo Yoshida (2023) Evaluation of Attitudes and Knowledge toward Organic Waste Recycling Practices through House Composting: A Pilot Project in Gaza Strip, Palestine. The 8th 3RINCs International Conference, Kyoto (online), March 2023, OL5-4.

Mitsuo Yoshida (2022) Cross-Country Analysis on Waste Generation, Collection Service Coverage, Intermediate Treatment, and Final Disposal in Solid Waste Management. Proceedings of the 8th International E-Conference on Advances in Engineering, Technology and Management - ICETM 2022. pp.20-30, Institute of Research Engineers and Doctors, New York. ISBN: 978-1-63248-195-5 DOI: 10.15224/ 978-1-63248-195-5-04

Hatem AbuHamed, Waheed Al Bursh, Suleiman Abu Mfarreh, Mitsuo Yoshida (2022) Managing post‑conflict demolition wastes in Gaza Strip: a case study on May 2021 conflict. Journal of Material Cycles and Waste Management



Rawan Tayeh, Suleiman Abu Mufarreh, Mitsuo Yoshida (2022) Impacts of COVID-19 on municipal waste management in Palestine. Proc. 8th 3R International Sci. Conf. on Material Cycles and Waste Management (3RINCs) 2022, Online Session A1: 3R, Waste management under the Pandemic of COVID-19 , Paper A1-4.

Hatem AbuHamed, Waheed AlBursh, Suleiman Abu Mfarreh, Mitsuo Yoshida (2022) Managing Post-War Demolition Waste in Gaza Strip - A Case Study on Gaza-Israel Conflict in May 2021. Proc. 8th 3R International Sci. Conf. on Material Cycles and Waste Management (3RINCs) 2022, Online Session B5: Disaster, construction, and demolition waste management, Paper B5-1.

吉田充夫(2022)国際協力のフレームワークでの産官学民連携による水銀汚染対策-ウルグアイの事例-.日本環境学会幹事会(編)「産官学民コラボレーションによる環境創出」本の泉社,p.68-74 一般書店, Amazon.com等から入手可能

Mitsuo Yoshida (2022) Technical Cooperation for Enhancing Healthcare Waste Management. In: Rajesh Banu Jeyakumar, Kavitha S., Yukesh Kannah R. (eds), Hazardous Waste Management. DOI: 10.5772/intechopen.102604, IntechOpen Publ., London.

Reem Abukmeil, Ali Barhoum, Majdi Dher, Mitsuo Yoshida (2021) Assessment of health-care waste generation and its management strategy in the Gaza Strip, Palestine. Jour Mater Cycles Waste Manag (2021).

吉田充夫(2021)「開発途上国での建設解体廃棄物管理制度設計支援-パレスチナとイランの事例」第32回廃棄物資源循環学会研究発表会(岡山)C2-4-O 講演要旨p.171-172.

吉田充夫・MN Ahmad (2021)「パキスタン国パンジャブ平原の都市化・農業開発地域における地下水汚染」環境科学会2021年会 2D-1115.


Mitsuo Yoshida and Suleiman Abu Mferreh (2021) Recycling potential of limestone cutting waste in West Bank, Palestine. Proc. 5th International E-Conference on Advances in Engineering, Technology and Management, ICETM 2021-101, p. 52-57, ISBN: 978-1-63248-192-4 doi: 100.15224/978-1-63248-192-4-10

Mitsuo Yoshida and Suleiman Abu Mferreh (2021) Regionalization and capacity strengthening of solid waste management service providers in Palestine: Lessons learned from the Technical Assistance Project. Proc. 7th 3R International Scientific Conference on Material Cycles and Waste Management 3RINCs, March 2021, Paper R-2.

Suleiman Abu Mferreh and Mitsuo Yoshida (2021) 3R policy and its practice in waste management in Palestine. Proc. 7th 3R International Scientific Conference on Material Cycles and Waste Management 3RINCs, March 2021, Paper C-5.

Reem Abukmeil, Ali Barhoum, Majdi Dher, Mitsuo Yoshida (2021) Challenges of Healthcare waste management in the Gaza Strip, Palestine as a case study. Proc. 7th 3R International Scientific Conference on Material Cycles and Waste management 3RINCs, March 2021, Paper S-4.

Abdel Jabbar Abu Halawah, Suleiman Abu Mferreh, Mitsuo Yoshida, Yousrea Ramada, Mohhamed Isayed (2021) Recycling Agricultural Organic Waste as Reducing Waste and Generating Income in Jericho City, Palestine. Proc. 4th International E-Conference on Engineering, Technology and Management, Paper ICETM-20-191, p.126-130.

Nisreen Hamad, Mitsuo Yoshida, Suleiman Abu Mferreh (2021) Construction and Demolition Waste and its Management in West Bank, Palestine. Proc. 4th International E-Conference on Engineering, Technology and Management, ICETM-20-187, p.131-137.

Yousrea Ramadan and Yasumasa Tojo (2021) Environmental Auditing of the Solid Waste Sanitary Landfills in Palestine. Proc. 4th International E-Conference on Engineering, Technology and Management, ICETM-20-183, p.108-114.

Ziad Tawafsheh, Mitsuo Yoshida, Suleiman Abu Mferreh (2021) Waste Reduction through Promoting Public-Private Partnership Projects for Material Recycle in Palestine. Proc. 4th International E-Conference on Engineering, Technology and Management, ICETM-20-144, p.18-24.

吉田充夫(2020)「世界の相互依存性とSDGs」奈良高専環境リテラシー講義 講義資料

Mitsuo Yoshida (2020) Lessons of Minamata Disease and Risks of Mercury Pollution caused by Chlor-Alkali Plants. Simposio Interamericano sobre el Mercurio - SIN MERCURIO VI Foro de Mercurio, Químicos Peligrosos y Salud Pública en Madre de Dios, 26 al 30 de octubre 2020, Lima (virtual).

Mitsuo Yoshida (2020) Mercury Contamination and Microbial Community in Wetland Sediments. Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Heavy Metals in the Environment (ICHMET 2020, Seoul), S5-1, p.98.

Suleiman Abu Mfarreh and Mitsuo Yoshida (2020) National Solid Waste Management Strategy and Challenges for Waste Minimization in Palestine. Proceedings of 3rd International e-Conference on Engineering, Technology and Management (September, 2020; ICETM-2020), Paper ICETM-20-138, p.49-55.
[Full Paper]

吉田充夫(2020)「サブサハラ・アフリカの社会人口統計学的特性と都市廃棄物管理の状況」第31回廃棄物資源循環学会研究発表会(北海道大学,2020年9月)講演B1-1, 予稿集 p.75-76. [要旨]


吉田充夫,スレイマン・アブムファレ,加藤孝幸(2020)「パレスチナにおける石材廃棄物及び建設・解体廃棄物の再資源化の可能性」第20 回環境技術学会年次大会予稿集(2020年6月) p.37-38.[要旨]

Yoshida, M. and Ahmad, M. N. (2020) Arsenic and manganese contamination of rice and wheat grains in District Chiniot, Punjab, Pakistan. Proc. of the 10th Intl. Conf. on Advances in Applied Science and Environmental Technology - ASET 2020, DOI: 10.15224/978-1-63248-186-3-01Web


Ahmad, M.N., Sultana, R., Yoshida, M. and Salahuddin, M. (2020) Groundwater contamination issues in Chiniot area, Punjab, Pakistan. International Journal of Environmental Science and Development, 11 (3), p.123-127 doi: 10.18178/ijesd.2020.11.3.1237

Yoshida, M. (2020) Social Development and the Environment - A View from Solid Waste Management. In S. Hori, et al. (eds.) International Development and the Environment. Sustainable Development Goals Series, p. 27-43, Springer Nature Publ.

Yoshida, M., Muferreh, S.A. (2019) Development of Solid Waste Management and National Strategy in Palestine. World Congress of International Solid Waste Association (ISWA) 2019, Bilbao Spain, Paper A4F3B

Yoshida, M., Ahmad, M.N. (2019) Arsenic and Manganese Contamination of Groundwater in Punjab Plain, Pakistan - Effects of Water-Rock Interaction. Proceedings of the 10th International Groundwater Quality Conference (GQ2019), Liege, Belgium, Paper No. 247

吉田充夫・Ahmad, M.N.(2019)パキスタン国パンジャブ地方の学校飲用地下水のヒ素・マンガン等による水質汚染および学校教員と児童への意識啓発.日本環境学会第45回研究発表会(横浜国立大学)発表予稿集,156-157.



Yoshida, M. (2018) Technical and social factors of dumpsite collapse in developing countries and its consequences: Case studies in Mozambique and Sri Lanka. Proceedings of APLAS TOKYO 2018, The 10th Asia-Pacific Landfill Symposium - The tenth anniversary - November 2018, Meisei University, Tokyo

吉田充夫(2018) 廃棄物管理に係る組織及び制度レベルの段階評価指標とアフリカ諸国への適用例.廃棄物資源循環学会第29回研究発表会(名古屋大学)講演要旨A9-4

吉田充夫(2018) 水銀汚染とその対策-ウルグアイ国・ラプラタ河岸湿地帯での国際協力事例から Mercury Contamination and its Countermeasure: A Case Study on International Technical Cooperation to Soil and Water Contamination in Wetland of La Plata River, Uruguay

Yoshida, M. and Ahmad, M.N. (2018) Trace Element Contamination of Groundwater Around Kirana Hills, District Chiniot, Punjab, Pakistan, Int. J. Econ. Environ. Geol. Vol. 9 (4)12-19

Yoshida, M. (2018) Boron Contamination of the Coastal Aquifer in the Gaza Strip, Palestine. International Journal of Advances in Science Engineering and Technology, Vol. 6, Issue 4, Special Issue 2, 51-55. December 2018.
[Full paper]

Yoshida, M. (2018) Capacity Development in Environmental Management Administration through Raising Public Awareness: A Case Study in Algeria. JICA Research Institute Working Paper No.176.
[Full Paper Download]

Yoshida, M. (2018) Situation of Municipal Solid Waste Management in African Cities - An Interpretation of the Information provided by the First ACCP Meeting. Discussion Paper, The Second Meeting of African Clean Cities Platform (ACCP), June 2018, Rabat.
[English Full Text Download]

Yoshida, M. (2017) Waste Problem and Medical Waste Management Strategy in Gaza Strip, Palestine. CONFERENCE ABSTRACT, 2nd Asia Conference on Environment and Sustainable Development (ACESD2017, Tokyo), D40, p.27-28.

Yoshida, M. (2017) Capacity Development in Solid Waste Management. CONFERENCE ABSTRACT, 2nd Asia Conference on Environment and Sustainable Development (ACESD2017, Tokyo), Keynote, p.6-7.

Yoshida, M. (2017) Water contamination and treatment technologies in Japan. Abstract Volume, Symposium on Water Contamination and Treatment Technique, Abdus Salam Research Forum (Pakistan)


Yoshida, M. (2016) Political Economy of Municipal Solid Waste Management in Urban Areas of Developing Countries and Framework of Capacity Development Support. International Journal of Environmental Engineering, Vol. 3(3), p.80-85.

Yoshida, M. (2016) Combating with mercury pollution.
2016 Asia Conference on Environment and Sustainable Development (ACESD 2016), December 8-10, Hong Kong: Plenary Speech (Abstract)

Ziad Tawafsheh, Walid Halayqah, Suleiman Abu Mufreh and Mitsuo Yoshida (2015) Solid waste management and public private partnership in Palestine. Proceedings of the 26th annual conference of Japan Society of Material Cycle and Waste Management (JSMCWM), International Session FA-13.


Mitsuo Yoshida, Landfill Improvement Group of Mashhad WMO(2015) Improvement of Municipal Solid Waste Dumpsite in Semi-Arid Land by Leachate Recirculation – A Case Study in Mashhad, Iran. Proceedings of the Second 3R International Scientific Conference on Material Cycle and Waste management, Paper D01-1.





Yoshida M.(2013) Impacts of training and dialogue program for developing countries to capacity development in solid waste management. Proceedings of the ISWA2013 World Solid Waste Congress, Vienna.

Shimizu, K., Yoshida, M., Murayama, T.(2013) National Vocational Qualification for SWM workers in Sri Lanka: Implication of the approach and potential impact. Journal of Environmental Information Science, Vol.41,No.5,p.97-104.
[English Full Paper]

吉田充夫(2012) 都市問題としての廃棄物問題にどう取り組むか?-アジアの大都市における都市廃棄物分野の支援協力の課題-.独立行政法人国際協力機構編「アジアのメガシティ・大都市における都市廃棄物管理の現状と協力課題」所収.p.3-19

清水 研・吉田充夫(2012) 途上国地方自治体における廃棄物管理と環境意識の分析-スリランカの事例を通じて.環境科学情報学術論文集,26,p.61-66.

清水 研・吉田充夫(2012) 開発途上国廃棄物問題における市民のハートウェアの役割-スリランカの地方自治体での経験を事例として.廃棄物資源循環学会論文誌,23(6),p.279-290.

清水 研・吉田充夫(2012) 途上国地方自治体による廃棄物リサイクル・センター運営の実例とその分析-スリランカの地方自治体を事例に-.第23回廃棄物資源循環学会研究発表会講演論文集,p.147-148

吉田充夫・南 和江(2012) 廃棄物分野における開発途上国支援のプログラム・アプローチの効果と課題-ウランバートル市に対する協力の事例から.第23回廃棄物資源循環学会研究発表会講演論文集,p.145-146

青木一誠・水谷徹哉・吉田充夫(2012) パレスチナ西岸地域における廃棄物管理分野の協力支援アプローチの比較.第23回廃棄物資源循環学会研究発表会講演論文集,p.143-144

Yoshida, M. (2012) Mobility of Contaminated Heavy Metals and Metalloids in Sediments Caused by Recent Industrial Activities. Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Heavy Metals in the Environment (ICHMET2012, Rome), Session: Heavy Metals in Sediments IV.
Full Paper

Technical Assistance to Solid Waste
Management in Middle East & North Africa
Region - Experiences of Japan’s ODA Projects. Proceedings of ISWA2012 World Waste Congress (Florence), Paper P.173.

Abdel Jabbar Abu Halawa and Mitsuo Yoshida (2012) Joint Council for Services, Planning, and Development, for Solid Waste Management in Jericho and Jordan River Rift Valley, Palestine: A Story of Challenge and Success. Proceedings of ISWA2012 World Waste Congress (Florence), Paper P.172.

吉田充夫(2012) すべての人々が恩恵を受けるダイナミックな廃棄物管理の発展―今日の開発途上国における廃棄物問題と支援協力の課題.「都市清掃」第65巻(第309号), p.439-444.

吉田充夫(2012) 戦略的環境アセスメント導入の東アジアにおける比較と改正環境影響評価法.日本環境学会第38回研究発表会, C-16, p.244-247.

青木一誠・吉田充夫(2012) ドミニカ共和国サント・ドミンゴ特別区廃棄物総合管理能力強化プロジェクトの経験.平成24年度廃棄物資源循環学会研究討論会

Yoshida, M. (2012) État actuel de la pollution du milieu marin et des réglementations au Japon (Present State of Marine Environment Pollution and Regulations in Japan). Compte rendu du Séminaire Conjoint Algérie-Japon sur la pollution marine due aux activités sur terre, p.5-19.

Akino Tahir, Mitsuo Yoshida and Sachihiko Harashina (2012) Expanding the implementation of community-based waste management: Learning from the Green and Clean Program in Indonesia. Journal of Environmental Information Science, 40-5, p.79-88.

柏村正允・吉田充夫(2011) ダッカにおける廃棄物分野のプログラム・アプローチ方式の協力支援と今後の課題.(社)海外環境協力センター(OECC)会報第64号, p.6.

Akino Tahir, Mitsuo Yoshida, Sachihiko Harashina (2011) Analyzing community-based solid waste management in Syrabaya: Factors affecting successful replication. Papers on Environmental Information Science, No, 25, p.131-136.
アキノ タヒル・吉田充夫・原科幸彦(2011) インドネシア国スラバヤにおけるコミュニティ・ベース廃棄物管理の分析-導入と拡大の成功要因.環境情報科学論文集25.

吉田充夫(2011) 科学技術分野における日本の開発途上国支援の課題.日本科学者会議東京支部第16回東京科学シンポジウム(立教大学)予稿集,p.148-149.

吉田充夫(2011) イラクにおける廃棄物処理体制復興の現況と課題.廃棄物資源循環学会第22回研究発表会(東洋大学)講演論文集,A8-1, p.99-100.

青木一誠・吉田充夫(2011) アフリカ地域の都市廃棄物管理の経済成長レベル及び都市人口との関係に関する考察.廃棄物資源循環学会第22回研究発表会(東洋大学)講演論文集,A8-2, p.101-102.

清水 研・吉田充夫・原科幸彦(2011) 開発途上国廃棄物管理における市民のハートウェアのあり方-スリランカを事例に-.廃棄物資源循環学会第22回研究発表会(東洋大学)講演論文集,A8-5,p.107-108.

Yoshida, M. (2011) Phased development of municipal solid waste management and needs for international technical assistance in developing countries. Proceedings of 2011 World Congress of International Solid Waste Association (ISWA), p.485-495.

Aoki, I., Sanada, A., Mori, N. and Yoshida, M. (2011) Development assistance strategy of Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) in solid waste management sector. Proceedings of 2011 World Congress of International Solid Waste Association (ISWA), p.474-484.

Shimizu, K., Harashina, S. and Yoshida, M. (2011) Role of Heartware in sustainablesolid waste management: A field note in a developing country. Proceedings of 2011 WorldCongress of International Solid Waste Association (ISWA), p.591-600.

Sanada, A. and Yoshida, M. (2011) Internalization of informal sector into formal urbanwaste management in low-income countries. Proceedings of 2011 World Congress ofInternational Solid Waste Association (ISWA), p.828-838.

Tahir, A., Harashina, S. and Yoshida, M. (2011) Community involvement in solid wastemanagement in Indonesia. Proceedings of 2011 World Congress of International Solid WasteAssociation (ISWA), p.839-848.

Aoki, I., Tamura, E., Yoshida, M. (2011) Introduction of regional waste management inthe West Bank of Palestine through Japanese technical cooperation. Proceedings of2011 World Congress of International Solid Waste Association (ISWA), p.607-617.

吉田充夫(2011) 経済開発と廃棄物管理の関係を考える(開発途上国における廃棄物管理支援・連載第7回).季刊環境技術会誌,144号,p.70-72.

吉田充夫(2011) 開発途上国における環境アセスメント能力向上の課題.日本環境学会第37回研究発表会(三重大学)予稿集,p.158-161.

Yoshida, M. (2011) Problèmes de pollution environnemental causés par les dèchets solides. Compte rendu du Séminaire conjoint Algérie-Japon sur les dèchets solides et la pollution 2011,p.20-35.

吉田充夫・青木一誠(2011) 広域廃棄物管理方式導入による改善支援-パレスチナの事例から-(開発途上国における廃棄物管理支援・連載第6回).季刊環境技術会誌,第142号, p.88-90.

Ikegame, Y., Yoshida, M. and Harashina, S.(2011) Efficacy of training course program in Japan for international technical cooperation in solid waste management sector from capacity development perspective. Proc. 8th Expert Meeting on Solid Waste Management in Asia and Pacific Islands (SWAPI), Tokyo, 21-23 February, 2011.

Taniguchi, Y. and Yoshida, M. (2011) Public involvement and mobilization for promoting 3R initiative in Hanoi City - Lessons from 3R Initiative Project in Hanoi City 2006-2009. Proc. 8th Expert Meeting on Solid Waste Management in Asia and Pacific Islands (SWAPI), Tokyo, 21-23 February 2011.

C.K. Jain, V.V.S. Gurunadha Rao, B.A. Prakash, K. Mahesh Kumar, and Mitsuo Yoshida (2010) Metal fractional study on bed sediments of Hussainsagar Lake, Hyderabad, India. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 166, p. 57-67.

吉田充夫(2010) パレスチナ・ヨルダン川西岸地区での広域廃棄物管理の取り組みにおける地域社会と住民の環境意識の変容.第42回環境社会学会大会(法政大学, 2010年12月)要旨集,p.40-41.[要旨],

吉田充夫(2010) 開発途上国廃棄物分野協力プロジェクトにおける社会調査の導入について. 第21回廃棄物資源循環学会研究発表会(金沢, 2010年11月), 講演A9-4.[要旨]

Akino M. Tahir, Mitsuo Yoshida and Sachihiko Harashina (2010) Surabaya's Context of Community Involvement in Solid Waste Management. Proceedings of 21st Annual Conference of Japan Society of Material Cycles and Waste Management, FA-6.[Abstract]

環境総合年表編集委員会(編・2010) 環境総合年表-日本と世界.すいれん舎.(執筆協力者) [Web Site]

吉田充夫(2010) 地方自治体廃棄物管理改善のための支援メカニズム―スリランカの事例から.(開発途上国における廃棄物管理支援:連載第5回).季刊環境技術会誌,第141号, p.110-112.

Yoshida, M. (2010) Capacity Development and Institutional Strengthening for Transioning to Low Carbon and Resource Efficient Society - View from Technical Cooperation in Waste Management Sector. The Second Meeting of the Regional 3R Forum in Asia, KualaLumpur, Malaysia, October 2010, Plenary Session 2: Partnerships for Realizing Low Carbon and Resource Efficient Society.

Yoshida, M., Moali, M., Houas, O. and Lakdari, M. (2010) Mercury contamination of river water and sediments caused by industrial wastewater - A case study on mercury-cell electrolytic plant. Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Heavy Metals in the Environment, Gdansk (Poland), p.85-88.

吉田充夫(2010) 水銀電極法塩素製造プラントに由来する水銀汚染-開発途上国の現状.社団法人環境科学会2010年会(東洋大学2010年9月)予稿集

Yoshida, M. (2010) Capacity Development for Environmental Assessment. China-Japan Joint Workshop on Strategic Environmental Assessment (Dalian University of Technology, China).

吉田充夫(2010) ごみ減量化とウェイスト・ピッカー協同組合―アルゼンチン国ブエノスアイレスの事例から-(開発途上国における廃棄物管理分野への支援協力:連載第4回).季刊環境技術会誌,第140号,p.91-93.

吉田充夫(2010) 環境管理エンフォースメント強化策としての環境警察制度の導入-ヨルダンの事例から-.日本環境学会第36回研究発表会予稿集,p.166-169.(横浜国立大学2010年6月)

吉田充夫(2010) 廃棄物リサイクルに従事するインフォーマル・セクターへの支援の課題.国際開発学会第11回春季大会報告論文集,p.218-219.(北海道大学2010年6月) [要旨]

吉田充夫・小島道一(2010) 開発途上国の廃棄物リサイクルに係る協力の課題.国際開発学会第11回春季大会報告論文集,p.211(北海道大学2010年6月)

吉田充夫(2010) ごみ分別リサイクル導入の難しさ-キューバ国ハバナ市の事例から-(国際協力機構(JICA)による開発途上国における廃棄物管理分野への支援:連載第3回).季刊環境技術会誌,第139号,p.57-59.

Yoshida, M. (2010) Application des minéraux naturels à la protection de l’environnement de la contamination par les métaux toxiques. Compte rendu du Séminaire conjoint Algérie-Japon sur la Protection de l’Environnement Hydrique 2010 (Proceedings of the Algeria-Japan Joint Seminar on Water Environmental Protection 2010), p.78-87.

Yoshida, M. (2010) Normes de qualité environnementale de l’eau, Réglementation de l’évacuation des eaux, et Indicateur intégrde l’environnement hydrique au Japon. Compte rendu du Séminaire conjoint Algérie-Japon sur la Protection de l’Environnement Hydrique 2010 (Proceedings of the Algeria-Japan Joint Seminar on Water Environmental Protection 2010), p.24-47.

TIRECHE Tayeb et YOSHIDA Mitsuo (2010) Introduction au quatrieme Séminaire conjoint Algérie-Japon sur la protection de l’environnement. Compte rendu du Séminaire conjoint Algérie-Japon sur la Protection de l’Environnement Hydrique 2010 (Proceedings of the Algeria-Japan Joint Seminar on Water Environmental Protection 2010), p.5-6.

吉田充夫(2009) ヨルダン北部ザルカ川流域における総合的環境管理-参加型ワークショップから自立的発展への展開.水資源・環境研究,第22巻,p.64-69.

Yoshida.M. and K.Suzuki (2009) Internalization of informal sector activities into urban solid waste management - Experiences in Ulaanbaatar, Phnom Penh, Dhaka, and Buenos Aires -. Proceedings of the 9th Asia-Pacific NGO Environmental Conference (APNEC9), Kyoto, Sessin2B-3.

森 尚樹・吉田充夫(2009) 国際協力機構(JICA)による開発途上国における廃棄物管理分野の支援-協力アプローチとプロジェクトの現場から-連載第1回:バングラデシュ・ダッカ市の廃棄物処理体制づくり支援.季刊環境技術会誌,第137号,p.20-28.

吉田充夫・森 尚樹(2009) 開発途上国廃棄物分野における気候変動対策への支援協力の課題.廃棄物資源循環学会誌,第20巻4号,p.187-196.
Yoshida.M. and N.Mori (2009) Tackling global climate change through solid waste management assistance to developing countries. Material Cycles and Waste Management Research, Vol.20(4), p.187-196 (in Japanese with English abstract).

吉田充夫(2009) 開発途上国における3R導入支援の留意点.第20回廃棄物資源循環学会研究発表会(名古屋大学)ごみ文化研究会パネルディスカッション「日本の3R経験を海外へいかに伝えるか」要旨集

池亀裕一・吉田充夫・原科幸彦(2009) JICA研修プログラムの効果と課題-イラン廃棄物管理研修プログラムを事例として.第20回廃棄物資源循環学会研究発表会講演論文集(名古屋大学), p.87-88.

吉田充夫・小川領一(発表者)・南 和江・Tuguldur, G.(2009) 廃棄物管理事業の合意形成におけるステークホルダー間の調整-モンゴル国ウランバートル市廃棄物管理を事例として.第20回廃棄物資源循環学会研究発表会講演論文集(名古屋大学), p.89-90.

Olfa BOUZAIANE, Soulwene KOUKI, Naila SAIDI, Mitsuo YOSHIDA and Abdennaceur HASSEN (2009) Biophysical biochemical and microbial characteristics of Bizerte lagoon sediments (Tunisia). Revue Méditerranéenne de l’Environnement, 3, p.510-523.

Tahir, A.M., Harashina, S. and Yoshida, M. (2009) Solid waste management at neighborhood level in Jakarta, Indonesia. Proceedings of the 20th Conference of Japan Society of Material Cycle and Waste Management Experts, Paper FA-4, p.575-576.

Yoshida, M. (2009) Supporting capacity development for protecting water environment in developing world - Challenge for enhancing capacities at institutional and societal levels. International Conference on Water, Environment, Energy and Society organized by the Research Committee No.24 Environment and Society, International Sociological Association (ISA-RC24), S.R.K.(P.G.) College - Agra University, India, June 2009

吉田充夫・田村えり子(2009) 開発途上国における産業廃棄物の不法投棄問題とその対策支援の方向性.日本環境学会第35回研究発表会(2009年6月・立命館大学・京都)予稿集 p.195-198.

Yoshida, M. (2008) Lectures in the Third Country Training Course on Urban Solid Waste Management in African Cities, Tunis, 2008 (TCTP2008).
[Portal Site]

吉田充夫・進藤玲子・田口 達(2008) ウェイスト・ピッカーの廃棄物管理事業への参加促進-ブエノスアイレスの事例.第19回廃棄物学会研究発表会(2008年・京都大学)講演 P1-A4-9.

Yoshida, M., Kallali, H. and Ghrabi, A.(2008) Trace element composition of groundwater in northeastern Tunisia. XXXVI International Association of Hydrogeologists (IAH) Congress, Toyama, 26 October - 1 November, Session C13-25.

Yoshida, M., Kallali, H. and Ghrabi, A.(2008) Subsurface contamination of potentially toxic elements caused by unlined landfill. Proceedings of the 5th Asian-Pacific Landfill Symposium (APLAS), Sapporo 2008, Session 2B-4, Paper No. 091.
[English Paper]

武士俣明子・吉田充夫(2008) 都市廃棄物管理分野におけるキャパシティ・ディベロップメント支援の一例 -Clean Dhaka実現に向けた包括的協力アプローチ -. 第9回国際開発学会春季大会(2008年6月,東京工業大学)講演論文集

Yoshida, M., Moali, M., Houas, O. et Lakdari, M. (2008) Evaluation de la mobilité des l'éléments potentiellement toxiques dans les sédiments d’Oued El Harrach en utilisant l’expérience des extractions sequentielles. (Mobility assessment of potentially toxic elements in the river sediments of Oued El Harrach using sequential leaches experiment). Compte Rendu du Séminaire conjoints Algérie-Japon pour une Gestion Efficace de l’Environnement 2008, p.62-79.

Yoshida, M. (2008) Le développement de capacité dans la surveillance de l’environnement. Compte Rendu du Séminaire conjoints Algérie-Japon pour une Gestion Efficace de l’Environnement 2008, p.52-61.


Mitsuo Yoshida (2008) Outline of Environmental Management in Mining Activities. Presentation in the Capacity Building Workshop on Investment Promotion and Environmental Protection in Mining Sector, Zambia, organized by Ministry of Mining and Minerals Development (MMMD), Zambia and JICA, Lusaka, 23rd January 2008.

吉田充夫(2007) チュニジア第三国研修「仏語圏アフリカ都市廃棄物管理」集中講義資料(2007年11月・於チュニス国際環境技術研修センターCITET)(1) Introduction, (2) ODA and JICA Technical Cooperation, (3) Capacities required in Solid Waste Management, (4) Capacity Assessment, (5) Project Formulation, (5) Drafting Proposal.

吉田充夫・カリッド-アルファイエズ(2007) ヨルダン国アルエケイデル埋立地の現状と環境汚染.第18回廃棄物学会研究発表会(つくば国際会議場・2007年11月)講演論文集,P2-D4-13

Mitsuo Yoshida and Masato Kawanishi (2007) Challenge for Establishing Soil Contamination Management in Macedonia - Recommendations from the Results of JICA Development Study. Seminar Proceedings "Seminar on Capacity Development for Soil Contamination Management Related to mining in Macedonia", 15th November 2007, Skopie.
APPENDIX: Guideline on Risk Communication in Soil Contamination management (prepared by Masatsugu Okazaki) Seminar Proceedings "Seminar on Capacity Development for Soil Contamination Management Related to mining in Macedonia", 15th November 2007, Skopie.

嵯峨山積・五十嵐八枝子・近藤務・鎌田耕太郎・吉田充夫・地徳力・外崎徳二・工藤千春・岡村聡・加藤誠(2007) 札幌市街域における150m掘削コアの第四系層序.地質学雑誌,113(8),391-405.

アルジェリア環境基準策定支援セミナーJICA講師団(2007) アルジェリア環境行政に対する提言(2007年7月)Proposition pour la politique environnementale algérienne - juillet 2007
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Yoshida M., Moali M., Houas O. et Lakhdari, M. (2007) Concentration de l'élément potentiellement toxique dans les sédiments dans la Baie d'Alger. Compte Rendu des Ateliers et Séminaire conjoints Algérie Japon sur les normes de qualité et les efforts de protection de l’environnement 2007, Alger, p.96-106.

Yoshida, M. (2007) La législation sur la gestion des produits chimiques toxiques au Japon. Compte Rendu des Ateliers et Séminaire conjoints Algérie Japon sur les normes de qualité et les efforts de protection de l’environnement 2007, Alger, p.48-62.

Yoshida, M. (2007) A propos de l’organisation des Ateliers et du Séminaire conjoints Algérie Japon sur les normes de qualité et les efforts de protection de l’environnement. Compte Rendu des Ateliers et Séminaire conjoints Algérie Japon sur les normes de qualité et les efforts de protection de l’environnement 2007, Alger, p.1-2.

吉田充夫(2007) 環境管理分野キャパシティ・ディベロップメント支援における分析測定技術・機材導入の留意点.JICA地球環境部「環境管理分野技術協力における分析測定機材導入マニュアル」(第1部抜粋)

吉田充夫(2007) ヨルダンにおける廃棄物管理とリサイクル事業について.「日廃振センター情報」,第6巻4号(2007年1月)16-21ページ.
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B.A. Prakash, V.V.S. Gurunadha Rao, K. Mahesh Kumar and Mitsuo Yoshida (2006) Environmental Impact Assessment of Human Activities on Sediments in Hussain Sagar Lake, Hyderabad, India. Environmental Science and Technology 2006, Volume 2, p.215-216, Proceedings from the Second International Conference on Environmental Science and Technology, August 19-22, 2006 in Houston, Texas, USA

Hamadi Kallali, Mitsuo Yoshida, Salah Jellali, Abdennaceur Hassen and Naceur Jedidi (2006) Use of rapid infiltration technique for aquifer recharge with treated wastewater. Sustainable Water Management, 1-2006, p.14-17.

Yoshida, M. (2006) Integrated Management of Water Environment in Japan: Experiences, Present Status, and Challenges. Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Environmental Performance Upgrading "Water and Energy saving in Enterprise", December 8-9, 2006, CITET Tunis.
[English Abstract]
[English Presentation]

Yoshida M., Laleg A. and Slimani, B. (2006) Sediment and Water Contamination with Mercury Caused by Industrial Waste and Waste Water in Oued El Harrach, Alger. Proceedings of the 17th Annual Conference of the Japan Society of Waste Management Experts, International Session P2-F5-3, Kitakyushu, November 2006

Yoshida, M. (2006) Capacity assessment and monitoring in CD support projects in solid waste management sector. Paper submitted to the LenCD Forum "Addressing the Paris Declaration, Collective Responsibility for capacity Development: What works and What doesn't" October 3 to 5, 2006, Nairobi.
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Yoshida, M. and RPP-SEPMCL 2002 Shipboard Scientist Team (2006) Classification of spatial variation pattern for identifying pollution sources: A case study on sediment contamination in Bizerte Lagoon, Tunisia. Proceedings of ACCURACY 2006, 7th International Symposium on Spatial Accuracy in natural Resources and Environmental Sciences. p.899-908.
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Yoshida, M. (2006) Dissecting technical cooperation in solid waste management from a capacity development perspective. Technology and Development, 19, 5-13.

Yoshida, M. (2006) Dissection de la coopération technique en matière de gestion des déchets solides dans une perspective de développement des capacités. Technology and Development, 19, 5-13 (translation).

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Yoshida, M. (2005) Contamination des eaux et des sédiments d'Oued El Harrach. L'ECHO DE L'ENVIRONNEMENT ALGERIEN, 2005, p.40-43.

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Mlayah, A., Yoshida, M., Charef A., Noronha, F., Ferreira da Silva, E. et C. Patinha (2005) IMPACT DES REJETS MINIERS ET DOMESTIQUES SUR LA QUALITE DES SEDIMENTS ET DES EAUX DE L'OUED MELLEGUE (NORD-OUEST DE LA TUNISIE) : DIAGNOSTIC DES METAUX LOURDS. XIV Semana de Geoquimica/ VIII Congresso de Geoqufmica dos Paises de Lingua Portuguesa, 621-625.

Institute for International Cooperation (ed.2005) Supporting Capacity Development in Solid Waste Management in Developing Countries -Towards Improving Solid Waste Management Capacity of Entire Society-. Japan International Cooperation Agency, Tokyo (July 2005)(共著)

嵯峨山 積・五十嵐 八枝子・近藤 務・鎌田 耕太郎・吉田 充夫・地徳 力・外崎 徳二・工藤 千春・岡村 聰・加藤 誠(2005) 北海道大学構内の深度150m掘削井の地質層序.日本地質学会学術大会(2005年10月・京都大学)講演要旨.

吉田充夫(2005) 主成分分析(PCA)による湖沼堆積物の有害元素汚染の分類. 第11回地下水・土壌汚染とその対策に関する研究集会(2005年6月,市川市) 講演論文S2-28. 

Mitsuo Yoshida, Moali Mohamed, Houas Omar, Lakhdari Mohamed, Nechaoui Leila, Guerrida Djamila, Chatal Assia, Oussalem Salima, Makour Fatima, Khelifi Fatiha and Laleg Abderrahmane (2005) Environmental Pollution in Oued El Harrach area, Alger -A Preliminary Report on Mercury and Heavy Metals Contaminations-. Compte Rendu du Seminaire sur " Pollution et Protection de l'Environnement en Algerie ", Alger, 5 et 6 avril 2005, p.19-37.
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吉田充夫(2004) 廃棄物管理分野の技術協力をキャパシティ・ディベロップメントの視点で読み解く.国際協力研究,Vol.20, No.2, p.1-9.

吉田充夫(2004) 閉鎖埋立地浸出水中の微量有害元素について-チュニジアの例.「第15回廃棄物学会研究発表会」講演論文集,第2巻,p.1096-1097.
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Ibrahim, A.N., Yoshida, M., Tarhouni, J. and Ghrabi, A. (2004) Potentially toxic elements concentration in decomposed waste residues collected from a closed solid waste landfill. Proceedings of the 15th Annual Conference of the Society of Solid Waste Management Experts, Volume III, International Session, p.22-24.
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近藤 整・吉田充夫・渡辺泰介(2004) 廃棄物管理においてコミュニティが果たす役割とその機能が発現する要因-マニラ、ビエンチャンの例-. 国際開発学会第15回全国大会講演論文集,p.210-213.
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独立行政法人国際協力機構国際協力総合研修所(2004・2005改訂版) 開発途上国廃棄物管理分野のキャパシティディベロップメント支援のために-社会全体の廃棄物管理能力の向上を目指して.独立行政法人国際協力機構.(共著)

Supporting Capacity Development in Solid Waste Management in Developing Countries -Towards Improving Solid Waste Management Capacity of Entire Societies- (July 2005)

Apoyo en el Desarrollo de la Capacidad para la Gestión de Desechos Sólidos en Países en Desarrollo -Hacia el Mejoramiento de la Capacidad de Toda la Sociedad en la Gestión de Desechos Sólidos- (Marzo de 2007)
[Spanish] =

Gurunadha Rao, V.V.S., Yoshida, M., Prakash, B.A., Chandrasekhar, S.V.N. and Mahesh Kumar, K. (2004) Environmental impact of human activities to urban lake sediments: Potentially toxic elements (PTEs) contamination in Hussainsagar Lake, Hyderabad. The 11th National Symposium on Hydrology, National Institute of Hydrology, Roorkee (India), November 22-23, 2004.
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小川人士・中山裕文・松藤敏彦(リーダー)・吉田英樹・吉田充夫(2004) 世界の埋立処分の現状と将来トレンドに関する研究.廃棄物学会研究委員会廃棄物埋立処理処分研究部会小集会「循環型社会における埋立地のあり方を考える」(第15回廃棄物学会研究発表会・2004年11月・高松)講演論文集,p.11-16.
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Ghrabi, A. and Yoshida, M. (2004 eds.) Study on Environmental Pollution of Bizerte Lagoon. Research Promotion Programme (RPP-SEPMCL) Final Report, Institut National de Recherche Scientifique et Technique, Tunisie, 139p.

Yoshida, M., Kallali, H., and Ghrabi, A. (2004) Solid waste landfills and soil/sediment contamination around Bizerte lagoon: Possible pollution sources. in Ghrabi, A. and Yoshida, M. (eds.) Study on Environmental Pollution of Bizerte Lagoon, Research Promotion Programme (RPP-SEPMCL) Final Report, pp.5-20.

Yoshida, M. and Shipboard Scientists Team RPP-SEPMCL (2004) Mobility of potentially toxic elements from the bottom sediments of Bizerte lagoon - Sequential leaches and acid extraction. in Ghrabi, A. and Yoshida, M. (eds.) Study on Environmental Pollution of Bizerte Lagoon, Research Promotion Programme (RPP-SEPMCL) Final Report, pp.55-70.

Hamdi, H., Jedidi, N., Yoshida, M., Hassen, A. and Ghrabi, A. (2004) Effect of bio-physico-chemical properties of superficial lower layer sediments on mercury distribution in Bizerte Lagoon. in Ghrabi, A. and Yoshida, M. (eds.) Study on Environmental Pollution of Bizerte Lagoon, Research Promotion Programme (RPP-SEPMCL) Final Report, pp.71-80.

Hassen, A., Yoshida, M., Kouki, S., Bouzaiane, O., Saidi, N., Tagouti, Z. and Jedidi, N. (2004) Microbial and physico-chemical characterization of repository sediments of Bizerte Lagoon. in Ghrabi, A. and Yoshida, M. (eds.) Study on Environmental Pollution of Bizerte Lagoon, Research Promotion Programme (RPP-SEPMCL) Final Report, pp.91-102.

Hassen, A., Cherif H., Belguith, K., Cherif, A., Saidi, N., Aouni, M. and Yoshida, M. (2004) Polymerase chain reaction technique for microbial and environmental investigations. in Ghrabi, A. and Yoshida, M. (eds.) Study on Environmental Pollution of Bizerte Lagoon, Research Promotion Programme (RPP-SEPMCL) Final Report, pp.103-114.

吉田充夫(2004) 新興工業国における土壌・堆積物汚染の現状-北アフリカ・チュニジアの地中海沿岸工業地帯を例として.「第10回土壌地下水汚染に関する研究集会(大阪)」講演論文集,p.18-21.
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吉田充夫(2004) 湖沼堆積物の重金属汚染モニタリングにおける環境磁気学的アプローチ.社団法人物理探査学会第110回学術講演会論文集(2004),p.296-298.
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Takeuchi,M., Nanba,K., Furuya,K., Nirei,H. and Yoshida,M. (2004) Natural groundwater of a gas field utilizable for a bioremediation of trichloroethylene-contamination. Environmental Geology, 45, 891-898.
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Yoshida,M. and Kallali,H. (2003) Environmental magnetic study of surface soil/sediment in northern Tunisia – Field screening for potentially toxic elements contamination. Proceedings of 7th International Symposium on Recent Advance in Exploration Geophysics in Kyoto (RAEG2003), Kyoto University, January 2003, 1-10p.
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Yoshida,M., Hamdi,H., Kallali,H. Ibrahim,A.N., Jedidi,N. and Ghrabi,A. (2003) Environmental impacts of open-dumping landfill to lagoon sediments – A case study in Bizerte lagoon, Northern Tunisia. Proceedings of the 14th Annual Conference of The Japan Society of Waste management Experts (October 2003), Volume III, International Session, 17-19.
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Ibrahim,A.N., Tarhouni,J. and Yoshida, M. (2003) Distribution characteristics of potentially toxic elements (PTEs) in and around closed solid waste landfill near Tunis, Tunisia. Proceedings of the 14th Annual Conference of The Japan Society of Waste management Experts (October 2003), Volume III, International Session, 92-94
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Hamdi,H., Jedidi,N., Ayari,F., Yoshida,M. and Ghrabi, A. (2003) Valuation of municipal solid waste compost of Tunis (Tunisia) – Agronomic aspect. Proceedings of the 14th Annual Conference of The Japan Society of Waste management Experts (October 2003), Volume III, International Session, 62-64
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Yoshida, M.(2003) Environmental impacts of human activities to urban lake sediments: Potentially toxic elements (PTEs) contamination in Mediterranean coastal lagoons in Tunisia. International Workshop on Urban Lakes Conservation and Management, 43-44, HUDA.

HUDA (ed.2003) International Workshop on Urban Lakes Conservation and Management. Hyderabad Urban Development Authority(HUDA), Andra Pradesh State, India.
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Yoshida,M., Jedidi,N., Hamdi,H., Ayari,F., Hassen,A. and M’hiri,A. (2003) Magnetic susceptibility variation of MSW compost-amended soils: In situ method for monitoring heavy metal contamination. Waste Management & Research, 21, 155-160.
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Yoshida,M. (2002) Immobilization of toxic heavy metals using hydrotalcite minerals: possible applications for decontamination of polluted land and water. Journal of Ecotechnology Research, 8(2), 248-249.
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Hassen, A, Cherif,A., Belguith,K., Saidi,N., Cherif,H. and Yoshida,M. (2002) Polymerase chain reaction technique for microbial and environmental investigations: Preliminary report on contaminated lagoon sediment. Journal of Ecotechnology Research, 8(2), 250-251.

Kallali,H. and Yoshida,M. (2002) Wastewater subsurface infiltration-percolation technique for water recycling. Journal of Ecotechnology Research, 8(2), 252-253.

Yoshida,M. and Ghrabi,A. (eds.2002) Study on the Environmental Pollution of Mediterranean Coastal Lagoons in Tunisia: Initial Report 2002. published by Laboratoire Eau & Environnement, Institut National de Recherche Scientifique et Technique (INRST) and Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA).
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Yoshida,M., Sothom,A., Souissi,N., Bousselmi,L., Jedidi,N., Ghrabi,A. and Ferchichi,M. (2002) Characterization of leachate from Henchir El Yahoudia closed landfill. Solid Waste Landfill and Soil/Sediment Contamination: Case Studies in Tunisia, Institut National de Recherche Scientifique et Technique (INRST), Tunisie. p.1-9.
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Yoshida,M., Kallali,H., Ibrahim,A.N. and Tarhouni,J. (2002) Trace elements composition of leachate from Henchir El Yahoudia landfill and lake water of Sebkhat Sejoumi. Solid Waste Landfill and Soil/Sediment Contamination: Case Studies in Tunisia, Institut National de Recherche Scientifique et Technique (INRST), Tunisie. 10-18.
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Yoshida,M., Ghrabi,A. and Ferchichi,M. (2002) Subsurface sediment contamination observed in SC5 borehole cores, Henchir El Yahoudia landfill: Interpretation using Scandium normalization. Solid Waste Landfill and Soil/Sediment Contamination: Case Studies in Tunisia, Institut National de Recherche Scientifique et Technique (INRST), Tunisie. 10-29.
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Yoshida,M., Ibrahim,A.N., Tarhouni,J. and Ghrabi,A. (2002) Groundwater pollution and subsurface sediment contamination in closed MSW landfill, Henchir El Yahoudia. Solid Waste Landfill and Soil/Sediment Contamination: Case Studies in Tunisia, Institut National de Recherche Scientifique et Technique (INRST), Tunisie.30-43.
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Yoshida,M. and Ibrahim,A.N. (2002) Potentially Toxic Elements Concentration in Buried Solid Wastes in Henchir El Yahoudia closed landfill. Solid Waste Landfill and Soil/Sediment Contamination: Case Studies in Tunisia, Institut National de Recherche Scientifique et Technique (INRST), Tunisie.44-50.
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Yoshida,M., Kallali,H. and Ghrabi,A. (2002) Soil/Sediment Contamination in northeastern Tunisia: A preliminary result on the spatial variation of potentially toxic elements. Solid Waste Landfill and Soil/Sediment Contamination: Case Studies in Tunisia, Institut National de Recherche Scientifique et Technique (INRST), Tunisie.53-84.
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Chabaane,Z.L., Kallali,H. and Yoshida,M. (2002) Geographical Database for Soil/Sediment Contamination Survey in Tunisia. Solid Waste Landfill and Soil/Sediment Contamination: Case Studies in Tunisia, Institut National de Recherche Scientifique et Technique (INRST), Tunisie.85-88.
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Yoshida,M., Kallali,H. and Ghrabi,A. (2002) Environmental Impacts of Human Activities Monitored by PTEs Contamination of Stream Sediments along the Wad Malyan River. Solid Waste Landfill and Soil/Sediment Contamination: Case Studies in Tunisia, Institut National de Recherche Scientifique et Technique (INRST), Tunisie.89-100.
[English] =

Hassen,A., Cherif,A., Belguith,K., Saidi,N., Cherif,H. and Yoshida,M. (2002) Polymerase Chain Reaction Technique for Microbial and Environmental investigations. Solid Waste Landfill and Soil/Sediment Contamination: Case Studies in Tunisia, Institut National de Recherche Scientifique et Technique (INRST), Tunisie.103-109.
[English] =

Hamdi,H. and Yoshida,M. (2002) PAH Determination in Environmental Samples Using GC Analysis Technique: A Case Study on Bizerte Lagoon Sediments. Solid Waste Landfill and Soil/Sediment Contamination: Case Studies in Tunisia, Institut National de Recherche Scientifique et Technique (INRST), Tunisie.110-115.
[English] =

Yoshida,M. and Ghrabi,A. (eds.2002) Proceedings of International Symposium on Environmental Pollution Control and Waste Managemnt (EPCOWM'2002). Institut National de Recherche Scientifique et Technique (INRST) and Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA). Volumes 1 and 2.
[English and French]

Yoshida,M. and Kallali,H. (2001) Soil contamination and natural background of potentially toxic elements (PTEs) in northern Tunisia: Environmental impacts of human activities. Proc.Intern’l.Symp. on Environmental Pollution Control and Waste Management (EPCOWM’2002), p.69-69.

Yoshida,M., Ayari,F., Zayani,G. and Ghrabi,A. (2001) Statistical classification of Potential Toxic Elements (PTEs) contamination in the bottom sediments collected from Mediterranean coastal lagoons in northern Tunisia: with special reference to the environmental impacts of recent human activities. Proc.Intern’l.Symp. on Environmental Pollution Control and Waste Management (EPCOWM’2002), 83-96.

Yoshida,M., Ahmed,M.N. and Ghrabi,A. (2001) Environmental magnetic characterization of lagoon-bottom sediments in ‘Bohyrit Tounis’ and ‘Sabkhit Ariana’, northern Tunisia. Proc.Intern’l.Symp. on Environmental Pollution Control and Waste Management (EPCOWM’2002), p.103-116.

Yoshida,M., Kallali,H., Ayari,F. and Kato,T. (2001) Characterization of open-dumped mine wastes disposed near the Hammam Zriba fluorite mine and Hammam Jedidi barite mine, Tunisia. Proc.Intern’l.Symp. on Environmental Pollution Control and Waste Management (EPCOWM’2002), p.287-292.

Kallali,H. and Yoshida,M. (2001) Soil and subsoil characterization of Souhil Wadi (Nabeul) pilot plant for wastewater infiltration-percolation. Proc.Intern’l.Symp. on Environmental Pollution Control and Waste Management (EPCOWM’2002), p.831-837.

Yoshida,M., Kallali,H., Ayari,F. and Cheberli,M. (2001) Sequential leaches of trace elements from top soil and lacustrine sediments in Sebkhat Sejoumi basin near municipal solid waste landfill of Henchir El Yahoudia, south of Tunis City. Water, Waste, and Environment Research, Vol.2, 131-149.
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吉田充夫(2001) ラグーン湖底堆積物の帯磁率変化と重金属汚染の関係について.地球惑星科学関連学会2001年合同大会(2001年6月4-8日、東京)予稿集
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Yoshida, M. (2000) [Conference Report] Regional Workshop on Water Quality Management and pollution Control in the Near East, Cairo, 30th October - 2nd November 2000. Water, Waste, and Environment Research, Volume 1 (2), 159-162.

Yoshida, M., Souissi, N. and Sothom A. (2000) Landfill leachate: Its nature and trace organic compounds separated by gas chromatography. Water, Waste, and Environment Research, Volume 1 (2), 109-122.

Yoshida, M. (2000) Application of clay minerals, zeolites, and layered double hydroxides to immobilization of toxic heavy metal pollutants. Abstracts of the International Symposium on Solubility Phenomena, Hammamet Tunisia, 27th July 2000.
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Yoshida, M. (2000) Immobilization of multiple heavy metals in copper smelter's sludge and wastewater. Proceedings of International Conference on Waste water Treatments and Reuse Adopted to Mediterranean Area (WATRAMA'2000), October 2000, Tunis, p.74-77, Institut National de Recherche Scientifique et Technique, Tunisie.

Naseem, M., Khan, I.H. and Yoshida, M. (2000) Adsorption of multiple heavy metal ions on clays in Pakistan: Kaolinite from Salt Range and bentonite from Azad Kashmir, Pakistan. GEOLOGICA, Research Bulletin of the Geoscience Laboratory, Geological Survey of Pakistan, Islamabad, 2000.
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Ahmad, M.N., Yoshida, M. and Fujiwara, Y. (2000) Paleomagnetic study of Utror Volcanic Formation: Remagnetizations and postfolding rotations in Utror area, Kohistan arc, northern Pakistan. Earth Planets Space, 52, 425-436.
[English] =

Yoshida, M. (1999) Transaction Report (JICA Expert in Mineralogy): GSP-JICA Technical Cooperation Programme November-December 1999. Geoscience Laboratory, Geological Survey of Pakistam, Islamabad and Japan International Cooperation Agency.
[English] =

吉田充夫・鄭 重(1999) 環境磁気学的方法は環境汚染調査に貢献しうるか? 第9回環境地質学シンポジウム論文集,p.319-324, 日本地質学会環境地質研究委員会.
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吉田充夫・鄭 重・新谷加代・高安克己(1999) 中海湖底表層堆積物の磁気的性質と重金属の溶出特性について.第9回環境地質学シンポジウム論文集,p.271-276, 日本地質学会環境地質研究委員会.
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Minato,H. and Yoshida,M. (1999) Site remediation technique for hexavalent chromium contamination soils. Proceedings of the International Symposium "High Altitude & Sensitive Ecological Environmental Geotechnology", August 24-27, Nanjing, 1999.
[English] =

Minato,H., Yoshida,M. and Shibue,Y. (1999) New use of natural zeolites and clay for environmental protection and remediation of toxic metals contamination sites. EUROCLAY 1999, Krakow, Poland, 5-9 September 1999, Conference of European Clay Groups Association (ECGA).
[English] =

Akram,H., Yoshida,M. and Ahmad,M.N. (1998) Rock magnetic properties of the late Pleistocene loess-paleosol deposits in haro River area, Attock basin, Pakistan: Is magnetic susceptibility a proxy mwasure of paleoclimate? Earth Planets Space, 50, 129-139.
[English] =

Yoshida,M., Khan, I.H. and Ahmad,M.N. (1998) Remanent magnetization of oolitic ironstone beds, Hazara area, Lesser Himalayan thrust zone, Northern Pakistan: Its acquisition, timing, and paleoenvironmental implications. Earth Planets Space, 50, 733-744.
[English] =

Wada N., Yoshida, M.(speaker), Okano, H., Niini, T., Matsubara, M. and Minato, H. (1998) Natural minerals using remediation technology for toxic heavy metals contamination sites. Proceedings of International Symposium for 'Application of Mineral Resources for Preservation to the Environment', Tokyo, October 25 to 30, E35-36 and J39-40. organized by No.111 Committee, Development of New Utilization of Minerals, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS).
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[Japanese] =

吉田充夫(1998) 磁気的パラメータによる環境の復元とモニタリング.地学団体研究会総会(島根大学・松江・1998年)学術シンポジウム講演要旨
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石原舜三・吉田充夫・関 陽児(1998) パキスタン北部の花崗岩類の帯磁率と硫黄同位体比.地質ニュース525号,65-75

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湊 秀雄・米道博・吉田充夫(1998) 複合的な汚染を受けた地質の改良処理上の諸問題.第8回環境地質学シンポジウム論文集,59-64.
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Yoshida.M., Khadim, I.M., Ahmed, M.N. and Akram, H. (1998) Magnetic properties of suspended particulate matter (SPM) in atmosphere. Proceedings of the 8th Symposium on Geo-Environments and Geo-Technics, 1998, 235-240.
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Yoshida, M. (1997) Field screening using environmental magnetic methods. presented in the First International Conference "Field Screening Europe - Strategies and Techniques for On-Site Investigation and Monitoring of Contaminated Soil, Water and Air", held in Karlsruhe on September 29 - October 1, 1997.

Akram,H. and Yoshida,M. (1997) Paleomagnetism and K-Ar ages of Koh-i-Sultan Volcanics, Balochistan, Pakistan. In. Paleomagnetism of Collision Belt, Recent Progress of Geomagnetism, Rock Magnetism, and Paleomagnetism, 1, 35-48.

Akram,H. and Yoshida,M. (1997) Magnetic susceptibility and hysteresis loop properties of Late Quaternary loess-paleosol deposits, Attock basin, Pakistan. Annales.Geophysicae, 15.

Khadim,I.M. and Yoshida,M. (1997) Magnetic fabric of basaltic pillow lava. In. Paleomagnetism of Collision Belt, Recent Progress of Geomagnetism, Rock Magnetism, and Paleomagnetism, 1, 185-198.

Nizam-Din and Yoshida,M. (1997) Particle-size distribution of Late Pleistocene loess-paleosol deposits in Attock basin, Pakistan: Its paleoclimatic implications. The Quaternary Research, 36 (1), 43-53.
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吉田充夫(1997) 開発協力における地質学.川村信人・岡孝雄・近藤務(編)「北海道大学理学部加藤誠教授退官記念論文集」P.473-479.
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吉田充夫(1997) 空中浮遊塵の磁気的性質と大気汚染モニタリングの試み,環境地質学シンポジウム論文集,7, ,135-140,(日本地質学会環境地質研究委員会)

吉田充夫・KHADIM Iftikhar Mustafa・AHMAD Mirza Naseer(1997) パキスタン北部,ヒマラヤ-カラコルム帯の岩石磁気学的調査,物理探査学会学術講演会講演論文集,97, ,306-308,(物理探査学会)

Yoshida,M., Ahmad,M.N. and Karim,T. (1997) Spectral gamma-ray survey of alkaline igneous rocks in Ambela-Koga-Naranji Kandao area, Peshawar basin, northern Pakistan. Proc.Geosci.Colloq.,Geosci.Lab., Geol.Surv.Pakistan, 17, 45-122.

Yoshida,M. and Akram,H. (1997) Magnetic fabric of ryolitic welded tuff. In. Paleomagnetism of Collision Belt, Recent Progress of Geomagnetism, Rock Magnetism, and Paleomagnetism, 1, 199-206.

Yoshida,M., Khadim,I.M., Zaman,H., Ahmad,M.N. and Akram,H. (1997) Three phases collision history of Himalaya-Karakoram belt since Cretaceous: Paleolatitudinal change and tectonic rotations. In. Paleomagnetism of Collision Belt, Recent Progress of Geomagnetism, Rock Magnetism, and Paleomagnetism, 1, 49-72.

Yoshida, M., Akram, H., Nizam-Din, Zafar, M. and Ahmad, M.N. (1997) Late Quaternary paleomonsoon record documented by multidisciplinary analyses of loess-paleosol sequences in Pakistan, South Asia. Abstract Volume of the International Symposium of Paleo-monsoon in Asia (The University of Tokyo).
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Yoshida, M., Khan, I.H. and Ahmad, M.N. (1996) Rock Magnetic Properties of Paleogene Oolitic Ironstone, Lesser Himalayan Belt, Northern Pakistan. Proceedings of AGU 1996 Western Pacific Geophysical Meeting (Brisbane)

Ahmad, M.N., Yoshida, M., Khadim, I.M. and Ali, M. (1996) Magnetic Susceptibility Observation Across Himalaya- Karakoram Range Northern Pakistan, With Special Reference to Magnetic Modelling of Kohistan Island Arc Crust. Proceedings of AGU 1996 Western Pacific Geophysical Meeting (Brisbane)

Khadim, I.M. and Yoshida, M. (1996) Paleomagnetism of Upper Cretaceous Pillow Basalt, Northwestern Margin of Indo-Pakistan Subcontinent. Proceedings of AGU 1996 Western Pacific Geophysical Meeting (Brisbane)

近藤務・五十嵐八枝子・吉田充夫・井上俊和・平信行・山崎正道・岡村聡・前田寿嗣・嵯峨山積・菅原誠・国分公貴・安井賢(1996) 石狩低地帯最南部地下の第四系-特に最終間氷期の相対的海水準変化の検討-.地質学雑誌,102,p.312-329.
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Ahmad,M.N. and Yoshida,M.(1996) Geomagnetic survey across Northern Suture zone in Hunza and Chitral areas, northern Pakistan. GEOLOGICA, Res.Bull.Geosci.Lab.Geol.Surv. Pakistan, 2, 195-202.

Khadim,I.M., Yoshida,M. and Ahmad,M.N.(1996) First attempt of VLF-EM survey in Pakistan - temporal change in VLF field and sounding of siderite mineralization zone, Chitral, N.W.F.P. GEOLOGICA, Res.Bull. Geosci.Lab. Geol.Surv. Pakistan, 2, 171-194.

Yoshida,M.(1996) Multidisciplinary study of Late Quaternary loess-paleosol deposits in Haro River area, Attock District, Punjab, Pakistan - An overview. Proc.Geosci.Colloq.,Geosci.Lab.,Geol.Surv.Pakistan, 14, 71-76.

Yoshida,M., Karim,T. and Zafar,M.(1996) Thorium-232 decay series anomaly in natural gamma-ray spectra of Late Quaternary loess-paleosol deposits, Attock district, Punjab. Proc.Geosci.Colloq.,Geosci.Lab.,Geol.Surv. Pakistan, 14, 129-138.

Yoshida,M., Zaman,H. and Ahmad,M.N.(1996) Paleopositions of Kohistan arc since Cretaceous time: paleomagnetic constraints. Proc.Geosci.Colloq.,Geosci. Lab.,Geol.Surv. Pakistan, 15,83-101.

Yoshida,M. and Ahmad,M.N.(1995) Rock magnetic properties and paleomagnetism of oolitic ironstone, Hazara district, Northern Pakistan. Proc.Geosci.Colloq.,Geosci.Lab., Geol.Surv. Pakistan,13,59-80.

Yoshida,M. and Khadim,I.M.(1995) Paleomagnetic comparison between Bibai Volcanics, Pakistan and Deccan Traps, central India. Proc.Geosci.Colloq., Geosci.Lab., Geol.Surv.Pakistan, 13,180-205.

Yoshida,M., Khadim,I.M. and Zaman,H. (1995) Paleomagnetism of pillow basalts in the Muslim Bagh area, Balochistan, Pakistan: Late Cretaceous trace of Reunion hotspot. GEOLOGICA, Res.Bull.Geosci.Lab., Geol.Surv.Pakistan, 1, 77-90.

Yoshida,M., Nizam-Din, Akram,H. and Ahmad,M.N. (1995) Particle size distribution analysis by centrifugal analyzer and combination with magnetic granulometry technique.
Proc.Geosci.Colloq.,Geosci.Lab.,Geol.Surv. Pakistan, 12, 123-160.

Zaman,H., Torii,M., Yoshida,M. and Karim,T. (1994) Preliminary Paleomagnetic results from the Cretaceous-Paleogene red beds of Chitarl area, Northern Pakistan. Abstracts, 1994 Spring Meeting, Society of Geomagnetism, Earth and Palanetary and Space Sciences (SGEPSS).

Yoshida,M. (1994) Magnetic granulometry by hysteresis loop properties - Alternating Gradient Force Magnetometer for rock magnetic studies.
Proc.Geosci.Colloq.,Geosci.Lab.,Geol.Surv.Pakistan, 9, 73-100.

Ali,M., Yoshida,M., Khadim,I.M. and Ahmad,M.N. (1994) Total Gamma-ray Observation along the Karakoram Highway, Northern Pakistan: An Attempt of Geological Interpretation by Radioactivity of Rocks.
Proc.Geosci.Colloq.,Geosci.Lab.,Geol.Surv.Pakistan, 8, 81-93.

Ahmad,M.N., Yoshida,M., Khadim,I.M., Ali,M. and Kausar,A.B. (1994) Geomagnetic and VLF-EM Survey over Northern Suture Zone and Nomal Sulphide Mineralized Zone, Hunza, Northern Pakistan.
Proc.Geosci.Colloq.,Geosci.Lab.,Geol.Surv.Pakistan, 8, 57-71.

Yoshida,M., Khadim,I.M., Ali,M. and Ahmad,M.N. (1994) Magnetic Approaches to Geological Sciences, Part I: Geomagnetism and Rock Magnetism. Geoscience Laboratory, Geological Survey of Pakistan, 284p.

Yoshida,M., Khadim,I.M., Ali,M. and Ahmad,M.N. (1994) Magnetic Approaches to Geological Sciences, Part II: Methods in Rock Magnetism and Paleomagnetism. Geoscience Laboratory, Geological Survey of Pakistan, 233p.

Yoshida,M., Fujiwara,Y., Khadim,I.M., Ali,M. and Ahmad,M.N. (1994) Magnetic Approaches to Geological Sciences, Part III: Applications to Geological Sciences. Geoscience Laboratory, Geological Survey of Pakistan, 177p.

Yoshida,M., Ahmad,M.N., Ali,M. and Khadim,I.M. (1993) Paleomagnetic study of Kalam Volcanics, Upper Swat Valley, Northern Pakistan. Abstracts Volume of Fall Meeting 1993 (Kobe), Society of Geomagnetism and Earth, Palnetary and Space Sciences, C12-P1-08.

Ahmad,M.N., Yoshida,M., Ali,M., Khadim,I.M., Kaneda,H., Karim,T. and Aslam,A. (1993) Geomagnetic and VLF-EM Survey of Some Mineralization Zones in Chitral District. Proc.Geosci.Colloq.,Geosci.Lab., Geol.Surv.Pakistan, 7, 44-71.

Khadim,I.M., Ali,M., Yoshida,M. and Sakhawat,M. (1993) Observation of Very Low Frequency (VLF) Field in Pakistan - Basic Information to VLF-EM Method for Exploration Geophysics. Proc.Geosci.Colloq.,Geosci.Lab., Geol.Surv.Pakistan, 7, 72-96.

Mononobe,S., Hirayama,J., Ahsan,N., Kausar,A.B., Siddiqui,M.R.H. and Yoshida,M. (1993) A Mineral Reconnaissance in the Southern Axial Belt, Balochistan. Proc.Geosci.Colloq.,Geosci.Lab.,Geol.Surv.Pakistan, 6, 3-11.

Ahmad,M.N.,Yoshida,M.,Khadim,I.M. and Ali,M. (1993) Preliminary Report of Paleomagnetic Study of Kalam (Utror) Volcanics, Kalam Area, Upper Swat Valley, NWFP. Proc.Geosci.Colloq.,Geosci.Lab.,Geol.Surv.Pakistan, 6, 42-59.

Ali,M., Yoshida,M., Khadim,I.M., Ahmad,M.N. and Fujiwara,Y. (1993) Anisotropy of Magnetic Susceptibility Measurement of Some Igneous-Metamorphic Rocks in Northern Pakistan. Proc.Geosci.Colloq., Geosci.Lab.,Geol.Surv.Pakistan, 6, 66-82.

Joint Expedition Team to Muslim Bagh Area in 1992 (Muhammad Yousaf Warraich, Mohammad Ali, Mirza Naseer Ahmad, Jiro Hirayama, Jan Muhammad Mengal, Iqbal Hussain, Iftikhar Mustafa Khadim, Rehannul Haq Siddiqui and Mitsuo Yoshida) (1993) Geology and Structure of the Calcareous Zone in Muslim Bagh-Kila Saifullah Area, Balochistan. Proc.Geosci.Colloq.,Geosci.Lab.,Geol.Surv.Pakistan, 6, 12-34.

Yoshida,M., Mononobe,S., and Karim,T. (1992) Iron Titan Oxide minerals in the "Hematite Band" in the Abbottabad Area (A Short Note). Proc.Geosci.Colloq.,Geosci.Lab.,Geol.Surv.Pakistan, 3, 22-26.

Yoshida,M., Khadim,I.M., and Zaman,H. (1992) Result of paleomagnetic measurement of Late Cretaceous pillow basalt in the central Axial Belt, Pakistan. Abstracts Volume of Fall Meeting 1992 (Tokyo), Society of Geomagnetism and Earth, Palnetary and Space Sciences.

Fujiwara, Y., Gautam,P., Yoshida,M. and Katsui, Y. (1992) On the nature of remanence in the 1985 andesitic pumice with self-reversed magnetization from the Nevado del Ruiz, Colombia. Jour. Fac. Sci., Hokkaido Univ., Ser IV, 23(2), 167-174.

Hirayama,J. Yoshida,M., Khadim,I.M. and Zaman,H. (1992) Stratigraphy and structure of the Calcareous Zone around Ghonda Manra, Muslim Bagh area. Proc.Geosci.Colloq.,Geosci.Lab.,Geol.Surv.Pakistan, 1, 71-84.

Yoshida,M., Zaman,H., and Yamazaki,M. (1992) Campanian nanno-fossils in the Waltoi Formation, Calcareous Zone, Muslim Bagh area: A short note. Proc.Geosci.Colloq.,Geosci.Lab.,Geol.Surv.Pakistan, 1, 85-88.

Yoshida,M., Khadim,I.M., Zaman,H. and Bakht,S. (1992) Preliminary report of paleomagnetic study on alkaline basalts in the Bagh Complex, Muslimbagh area. Proc.Geosci.Colloq.,Geosci.Lab.,Geol.Surv.Pakistan, 1, 89-98.

Khadim,I.M., Yoshida,M., and Zaman,H. (1992) Paleomagnetic study of Late Cretaceous basaltic rocks in the Calcareous Zone, Muslim Bagh area. Proc.Geosci.Colloq.,Geosci.Lab.,Geol.Surv.Pakistan, 1, 99-114.

Yoshida,M., Satoh,E., Niimi,T., Yamada,T. and Inoue,T. (1991) Magnetic Logging for interpretation of borehole environmental geology. Proc.1st Symp.Geoenvironments,Geol.Soc.Japan, 7-12.

吉田充夫・酒田靖子(1991) 横浜市三殿台遺跡の表層地質環境と遺跡保存. 第1回環境地質学シンポジウム論文集.日本地質学会環境地質委員会.

Yoshida,M. Inoue,T. and Igarashi,Y.(1991) Results of paleomagnetic measurement and fossil pollen analysis of the Santonodai borehole core, Yokihama City, Japan. Rock Magnetism and Paleogeophysics, 18, 46-50.

吉田充夫,佐藤鋭一,新見知宏,山田朝常,井上俊和(1991) ボーリング孔内における磁気的岩相解析-磁気検層法による地質解析の試み(その2),日本地質学会第98年学術大会講演要旨, 541-541.

Inoue,T., Yoshida,M. and Yamazaki,M. (1991) Results of paleomagnetic measurement and nannofossil analysis of bthe Daita Borehole core, Setagaya, Tokyo. Rock Magnetism and Paleogeophysics, 18, 42-45.

磁気検層技術開発プロジェクトチーム(吉田充夫・佐藤鋭一・新見知宏・山田朝常・井上俊和・加藤孝幸・吉田孝)(1991) ボーリング孔内の磁気的性質による地質解析の試み-通産省関東通産局技術改善費補助金事業一般研究「岩石磁気の測定と解析法に関する研究」総括報告-.ジオサイエンス技術研究報告,第4巻,p.1-75
[和文] =

小村精一・吉田充夫(1991) 温泉探査と開発.観光リゾート開発戦略データファイル追録16号第3章リゾートエンジニアリング, p.1791~1795-2,第一法規出版(株)刊

吉田充夫, Blohm,D.(1990) 磁気検層法による地質解析の試み,日本地質学会第97年学術大会講演要旨, 538-538.

吉田充夫・吉田 孝(1990) ボーリング坑内の磁気的性質を用いた地質解析の試み:磁気検層法について,日本応用地質学会1990年研究発表会講演論文集, 137-140.

吉田充夫(1990) 応用岩石磁気学の展望と課題(後編),ジオサイエンス技術研究報告,2,10-14,(ジオサイエンス株式会社)

吉田充夫(1989) 応用岩石磁気学の展望と課題(前編),ジオサイエンス技術研究報告,1 ,27-36,(ジオサイエンス株式会社)

Tokuoka,T., Takeda,S., Yoshida,M. and Upreti,B.N.(1989) The Churia (Siwalik) Group in the Western Part of the Arung Khola Area, West Central Nepal, Memoirs of the Faculty of Science Shimane University, 22,131-140,(Faculty of Science Shimane University)

Yoshida,M. (1989) Geohistorical development of the Tokachi Tectonic Basin, Hokkaido, Japan. Proc. International Symposium on Intermontane Basins: Geology & Resources, Chiang Mai University, 326-337.

Yoshida,M. (1989) Intermontane Basins in the Nepal Himalayas. Proc. International Symposium on Intermontane Basins: Geology & Resources, Chiang Mai University, 374-385.

吉田充夫・稲沢智昭・岡野英樹(1989) 岩石の風化変質と帯磁率の変化について. 日本地質学会第96年学術大会講演要旨,682-682.

吉田充夫(1989) ヒマラヤ上昇の地球科学的諸問題.海外学術調査20年:成果と展望(ヒマラヤ編),海外学術調査に関する総合調査研究班、29-48.

Igarashi, Y. and Yoshida, M. (1988) Paleoenvironment of the Nepal Himalaya in late Neogene times: Palynological and paleomagnetic implications. In: Whyte,P.(ed.) The Paleoenvironment of East Asia from the Mid-Tertiary, Proc. 2nd Conference Volume I: Geology, Sea Level Changes, Paleclimatology and Pleobotany, Centre of Asian Studies, Univ. Hong Kong, 692-702.

Yoshida,M., Tokuoka,T., Takayasu,K. and Hisatomi,K. (1988) Paleomagnetic stratigraphy of the Churia (Siwalik) Group in west central Nepal. In: Whyte,P.(ed.) The Paleoenvironment of East Asia from the Mid-Tertiary, Proc. 2nd Conference Volume I: Geology, Sea Level Changes, Paleclimatology and Pleobotany, Centre of Asian Studies, Univ. Hong Kong, 157-169.

Igarashi,Y., Yoshida,M. and Tabata,H. (1988) History of vegetation and climate in the Kathmandu Valley. Proc. Indian natn. Sci. Acad., 54, A(4), 550-563.

Yoshida,M. and Gautam,P. (1988) Magnetostratigraphy of Plio-Pleistocene lacustrine deposits in the Kathmandu Valley, Central Nepal. Proc.Indian natn.Sci.Acad., 54, A(3), 410-417.

木崎甲子郎(編・1988) 上昇するヒマラヤ, 214p., 築地書館,東京 (共著)

Yamagiwa,N, Shiraishi, K. and Yoshida,M. (1988) Newly discovered late Triassic hexacorals from central Nepal. Trans. Proc. Palaeont. Soc. Japan, N. S., 152, 654-655.

五十嵐八枝子・外崎徳二・吉田充夫(1988) 十勝層群本別・足寄層の花粉化石層序.地球科学, 42(5), 277-289.

北川芳男・五十嵐八枝子・吉田充夫・輿水達司(1988) 北海道石狩低地帯周辺の更新統,地質学論集・日本の第四紀層の層序区分とその国際対比, ,30,13-23,(日本地質学会)

Gautam,P. and Yoshida,M. (1988) On the secondary magnetization observed in the Nawakot Complex rocks, Malekhu area, central Nepal. Jour. Nepal Geol. Soc., 5(1), 1-10.

吉田充夫・武田伸二・徳岡隆夫・B.N.Upreti(1988) 中央ネパール・ビナイコーラ地域のチュリア(シワリク)層群の地質構造-スラスト及び回転変位.日本地質学会第95年学術大会講演要旨集, p.494.

吉田充夫(1988) ネパールヒマラヤの第四系.日本第四紀学会1988年研究発表会講演要旨集, p.17.

五十嵐八枝子・外崎徳二・吉田充夫(1988) 十勝層群本別,足寄層の花粉化石層序,地球科学,42,5(no.218),277-289,(地学団体研究会)

会田信行・吉田充夫(1988) 八千穂ローム層・広瀬ローム層中の強磁性鉱物のキュリー温度の特徴,地団研専報・八ケ岳山麓の第四系, ,34,119-125,(地学団体研究会)

Kitagawa,Y., Igarashi,Y., Akamatsu,M. and Yoshida,M. (1987) A review on Plistocene stratigraphy of Ishikari lowland, Hokkaido, Japan. Proc. 1st International Colloquium on Quaternary Stratigraphy of Asia and pacific Area, Osaka, 9-21.

吉田充夫(1987) ヒマラヤ山間盆地の環境変遷.月刊 地球, 9(11), 644-648.

吉田充夫(1986) ネパールにおける地質学の教育と研究. 地学教育と科学運動,14,122-125.

Yoshida,M. (1986) Crustal movement of Neogene-Quaternary intermontane basins in the Nepal Himalaya. Abstract Volume of the International Symposium on Paleoclimatic and Paleoenvironmental Changes in Asia during last 4 million years, Physical research Laboratory, Ahmedabad, India, p.40.

Yoshida,M. (1986) Paleomagnetic stratigraphy of the Churia (Siwalik) Group in west central Nepal. Abstract Volume of the International Geological Correlation Programme (IGCP) South Asia Regional Meeting, Kathmandu, Nepal, UNESCO.

Tokuoka,T., Takayasu,K., Yoshida,M. and Hisatomi,K. (1986) The Churia (Siwalik) Group of the Arung Khola area, west central Nepal. Mem. Fac. Sci. Shimane Univ., 20, 135-210.

Sharma,M.P., Upreti,B.N. and Yoshida,M. (1986eds.) Database on Himalayan Geoscience: Part I. Bull.Dept.Geol.Tribhuvan Univ., 1, 1-198.

和田信彦・ 前田寿嗣・ 五十嵐八枝子・ 外崎徳二・ 大室道夫・ 吉田充夫・ 木村方一・ 赤松守雄・ 古沢 仁・ 秋山雅彦(1985) 北海道深川市北部丘陵の鮮新統層序について,地球科学,39,4,243-257.

吉田充夫(1984) ヒマラヤはいつ成立したのか. テーチス・リサーチ(Tethys Research), 3, 22-46.

Yoshida,M. and Igarashi,Y. (1984) Neogene to Quaternary lacustrine sediments in the Kathmandu Valley, Nepal. Jour.Nepal Geol.Soc., 4, Sp.Issue, 73-100.

Yoshida,M., Igarashi,Y. Arita,K., Hayashi,D. and Sharma,T. (1984) Magnetostratigraphy and pollen analitical studies of the Takmar Group, Nepal Himalayas. Jour.Nepal Geol.Soc., 4, Sp.Issue, 101-120.

Tokuoka,T. and Yoshida,M. (1984) Some characteristics of the Siwalik (Churia) Group in Chitwan Dun, central Nepal. Jour. Nepal Geol. Soc., 4, Sp. Issue, 63-72.

Yoshida,M. and Sakai,H. (1984) Some observations on the paleomagnetism of Tansen group, west central Nepal. Jour.Nepal Geol.Soc., 4, Sp.Issue, 53-61.

タキカワカイギュウ関連地質調査団編(1984) タキカワカイギュウ調査研究報告書.北海道滝川市教育委員会刊,206p.(共著)

地学団体研究会札幌支部編(1984) 札幌の自然を歩く(第二版).北海道大学図書刊行会(共著)

近藤 務・五十嵐八枝子・吉田充夫・赤松守雄(1984) 北海道苫小牧市静川ボ-リング.コアにみられる第四系,第四紀研究, 22, 4, 313-325,(日本第四紀学会)

木村方一・外崎徳二・赤松守雄・北川芳男・吉田充夫・亀井節夫(1983) 北海道石狩平野.野幌丘陵からの前期-中期更新世哺乳動物化石群の発見,地球科学, 37(3), 162-177.

Kitagawa,Y., Yoshida,M., Fujiwara,Y., Akamatsu,M., Igarashi,Y. and Tonosaki,T. (1982) The Pliocene-Pleistocene boundary in the Tokachi tectonic basin and Ishikari lowland, Hokkaido, Japan. The Third Report on the Pliocene-Pleistocene Boundary in Japan, 4-17.

吉田充夫(1983) 北海道十勝地方および石狩低地帯の鮮新-更新統.日本の鮮新-更新統(地団研専報25号), 105-113.

吉田充夫(1983) 北海道における新第三紀~第四紀の古地磁気について,北海道地質構造発達史の解明をめざすシンポジウム(その7),39-43,(地学団体研究会札幌支部)

馬追団体研究会(1983) 北海道中央部馬追丘陵南東部の中・上部更新統-2つの海進について.地球科学, 37, 8-21.(共著)

フカガワクジラ発掘調査団編(1982) 深川産クジラ化石発掘調査報告書.北海道深川市教育委員会刊,132p.(共著)

吉田充夫・在田一則(1982) ヒマラヤ山間盆地埋積層の時代と特徴.日本地質学会第89年学術大会講演要旨集, p.146.

Arita, K. and Yoshida, M. (1982) Geological observations along motor road from Butwal to Ramdighat, central Nepal. Jour. Nepal Geol. Soc., 2, Sp. Issue, 51-58.

Yoshida, M. and Arita, K. (1982) On the Siwaliks observed along some routes in central Nepal. Jour. Nepal Geol. Soc., 2, Sp. Issue, 59-66.

Iwata, S., Yamanaka, H. and Yoshida, M. (1982) Glacial landforms and river terraces in the Thakkhola region, central Nepal. Jour. Nepal Geol. Soc., 2, Sp. Issue, 81-94.

Yamanaka, H. Yoshida, M. and Arita, K. (1982) Terrace landform and Quaternary deposit around Pokhara Valley, central Nepal. Jour. Nepal. Geol. Soc., 2, Sp. Issue, 113-142.

山中英二,吉田充夫,在田一則(1981) 中部ネパ-ル, ポカラ周辺の段丘地形と第四系(演旨),日本第四紀学会講演要旨集,11,108-109.

吉田充夫(1981) 十勝平野の鮮新.更新統の古地磁気層序とその時代, 北海道地質構造発達史の解明をめざすシンポジウム,その4, 14-17, (地学団体研究会札幌支部)

Fujiwara,Y. and Yoshida,M. (1981) An automatic astatic magnetometer for paleomagnetic measurement. Journal of Faculty of Science, Hokkaido University, Series IV, 19, 519-530.

外崎徳二・赤松守雄・木村方一・吉田充夫・渡部真人・飯沢豊子(1981) 北海道野幌丘陵から発見された中期更新世の不整合について.地球科学,35, 91-93.

Yoshida,M., Fujiwara,Y., Homma,M., Igarashi,Y. and Tonosaki,T. (1981) Magnetostratigraphy and chronology of the late Neogene to Quaternary deposits in the Tokachi district, Hokkaido, Japan. Rock Magnetism and Paleogeophysics, 8, 106-109.

吉田充夫(1980) ヒマラヤの地殻変動と古地磁気学:月刊 地球, 2, 685-689.

Yoshida,M. (1980) Thermomagnetic properties of the Pleistocene pyroclastic fall deposits in the Yatsugatake volcanoes, Central Japan. Rock Magnetism and Paleogeophysics, 7, 46-48.

吉田充夫(1980) 八ヶ岳東麓野辺山原周辺の第四系、特に広瀬層群の層序と古地磁気について: 地球科学,34, 183-199.

吉田充夫(1980) 北海道足寄町付近に分布する十勝累層群の古地磁気.日本地質学会大87年会講演要旨集, p.66.

Fujiwara,Y. and Yoshida,M. (1979) A computer controlled astatic magnetometer. Rock Magnetism and Paleogeophysics, 6, 143-145.

Fossil Elephant Research Group (Sawamura,H., Sugiyama,A., Tanaka,T. and Yoshida,M.) (1979) New species of Stegolophodon found from the Shigarami Formation, northern part of nagano Prefecture, central Japan. Earth Science (Chikyu Kagaku), 33, 11-25.

吉田充夫(1979) 北海道足寄郡足寄町付近の鮮新・更新統と古地磁気.日本地質学会第86年学術大会講演要旨集, p.85.

吉田充夫(1978) 八ヶ岳東麓野辺山原周辺の第四系の古地磁気学的研究.日本地質学会第85年学術大会講演要旨集, p.42.

八ヶ岳団体研究グループ(1977)八ヶ岳火山東麓の中部洪積統.地質学論集, 14, 103-125.(共著)

吉田充夫(1976) 八ヶ岳東麓川上村付近の第四系.日本地質学会第83年学術大会講演要旨集.

野尻湖発掘調査団編(1975) 野尻湖の発掘.共立出版刊(共著)

井尻正二編・野尻湖発掘調査団著(1974) 象のいた湖(新日本新書).新日本出版社刊 (共著)

古象団体研究会(1973) 長野県中野市から産出したナウマン象化石について.第四紀(第四紀総合研究会), 18, 48-50. (共著)

古象団体研究会(1973) 長野県小県郡丸子町産Stegodon aurorae. 信州大学理学部紀要, 8, 65-79. (共著)

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